Guaranteed & Viable Curriculum
Concongella Primary School offers a high standard of instruction at students’ point of need in literacy, numeracy and a suite of specialist subjects.
The literacy block is 2 hours each morning and consists of:
- Reading: A range of independent, shared and guided reading activities as well as the provision of tutoring.
- Writing: We follow the VCOP/ Big Write framework to enhance student writing; this allows for instruction and practise in a range of text types.
- Spelling: Using the SMART spelling framework, our students achieve deep understandings of English spelling structures.
- Speaking and Listening: We provide multiple opportunities for children to increase their skills in presenting as well as attentive listening.
We provide a guaranteed 6 hours of mathematics instruction per week covering the areas of Number & Algebra, Measurement & Geometry, and Statistics & Probability. We aim to facilitate children to be:
- Numerate: Have a good understanding of number and how to manipulate them in a range of scenarios.
- Mathematical Thinkers: Open to mathematics and able to think in a mathematical manner.
- Problem Solvers: Able to seek the information they need, apply a growth mindset and solve complex problems involving maths.
- Persistent: To not give up when faced with challenges, but instead to embrace the challenge and grow.
Specialist Subjects
We embrace our teachers’ diverse interests and skills to provide specialist subjects across the school.
- Science: A look at the natural and man-made world through a scientific lens.
- Art: Studying and creating pieces of art in a range of techniques and mediums.
- Health & PE: Sport skills, major games, swimming and healthy bodies.
- Chinese: Language and culture delivered by a native speaker.
- Kitchen Garden: Growing, harvesting and cooking food from our gardens and local producers.
- Respectful Relationships & The Resilience Project: Maintaining mental health and positive approaches to friendships.
- Developmental Curriculum (Foundation- Grade 3): Exploring learning through play.
- MARC Van: Our library and literature studies that arrive on a van once a fortnight.
- Integrated Studies: A thematic approach to engage students in deep learning.
Community Connections
- Grampians Small School Cluster: A deep and longstanding connection with Halls Gap and Great Western Primary Schools to foster friendships and positive interactions.
- Hands On Learning: An opportunity for 4 students to join students from Stawell West and 502 to be actively engaged in Hands On activities.
- MATES Mentoring: Connecting volunteers in the community to students in our school. Interested in becoming a Mentor?